List of bot commands

Ranked Match Commands

Command Description
!join Allows you to participate to ranked match
!leave Enables spectator mode
!startgame/!startranked Starts a new ranked game
!start Resumes paused game
!stop Pauses game
!swapteam switches you to the other team
!participants Displays a participating players
!ready Used right after "!startranked" to vote to start renked game
!whosnr Displays the names of all players who did not vote for !ready
!abort Cancels start game poll
!drop Vote to end ongoing game, aswell as drop stats and result
!submit Used on postgame to submit match results to the leaderboard

Mode Commands

Command Description
!battle Sets game mode to battle
!ctf Sets game mode to capture the flag

Query Commands

Command Description
!top Displays a list of top 5 players
!whois <N> Displays stats of the nth player from leaderboard
!stats Displays your stats
!stats <ID> Displays stats of a player present in the server
stats <NAME> Displays stats of specfied player
!check Displays info about you
!check <ID> Displays info about a player present in the server
!check <NAME> Displays info about specfied player


  • It is a good idea to use the "!participants" command before starting a ranked match to check if players joined properly.

  • Now, it is enough to use "/ready" for voting to start.

  • Each player can pause the game only 3 times maximum.

  • F2 key can be used to view leaderboard on JJ2+ client.